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Inicio > Utilidades

Descripción Autor Fecha
Utility for downloading youtube videos, and converting to mp3. Generates a batch file GetVideos.bat, which consists of command lines that will find all of the videos from your favorite Youtube channels, and convert them mp3. The purpose is to save time searching through Youtube, for the videos you're interesting in, so you can listen immediately while working. The command line for downloading and converting, makes a call to youtube-dl and ffmpeg. These can be found at https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl and https://ffmpeg.org There will be a separate utility in the Download area, for editing the YTCFG table, that this utility uses. See Readme.txt file for more information. NOTE: Remember to go back on Youtube at your leisure, perhaps on the weekend, and click and LIKE the specific videos that peaked your interest. Some of the channels are monetized, and they derive income by viewing the actual videos. (You don't have to actually BE there, while the video is running, if you have already listened to the mp3.) DC
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1.0 6.2
1.16 MB
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