
Legal note

The file you are going to upload to this server will remain pending of approval by the site administrator. Until approved, the file will not be available for download.

You IP address is and will be stored beside the file for security reasons. Your IP address will not be used for any purpose, but it will be given to the competent authorities in case they require it.

[Xailer team]

Upload a file
File. Select the file you want to upload. URL. Link to the file. Only if the file is in another server.
  Maximum 2MB
Description in english. Description of the file in english. Author. Author or creator of the file.
Version. Version of the file.
Description in spanish. Description of the file in spanish. Category. Category in which this file will appear.
Xailer version. Xailer version needed for this file to work.
Upload a file Copyright ©2020 Xailer